Brunel contributes to Cyber Security report

Brunel Pension Partnership Limited (Brunel) has contributed to a report from the National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) and The Railways Pension Scheme (Railpen) focused on the importance of cyber and data security in investments.
Cyber security (IT security and misuse) is one of Brunel’s six responsible investment themes and activity in this area will be engagement with specific companies and to support research and initiatives to promote corporate awareness and action on cyber security.
The Nest/Railpen report titled ‘Why UK pension funds should consider cyber and data security in their investment approach’ provides recommendations on how pension schemes can lower the cyber-attack risk in their portfolios.
Helen Price, who works closely with our Chief Responsible Investment Officer Faith Ward, provided input for a case study included in the report, which examines how Brunel ‘raised cyber security pre-investment.’
“It forms part of the rigorous due diligence undertaken to assess how the manager is handling cyber security directly, both initially and on an ongoing basis.”