A4S Net Zero Statement of Support

The underlying investments of pension and other retirement schemes carry extensive, diverse and complex exposure to climate outcomes. Whether related to physical, transition or litigation risks resulting from climate change, these may result in significant business disruption, ‘stranded assets’ and a resultant devaluation of the investment.
Increasingly, the adoption of a net zero strategy is seen as a fundamental part of the response to these risks. This is why our chair Denise Le Gal has signed the A4S Pension Fund Chair Net Zero Statement of Support to demonstrate our commitment to align Brunel to a 1.5°C pathway.
We believe this is a prudent step in our consideration of a range of responses to net zero alignment, protecting our members’ money from the potential economic impacts of climate change and leveraging investment opportunities created by the global transition to a net zero economy.
The Statement of Support commits us, within 12 months of signing, to:
- Committing to set net zero targets to align our investment portfolios with a 1.5°C pathway.
- Ensuring our direct service providers support this ambition.
- Being an active shareholder across all relevant asset classes we invest in.
- Collaborating with our peers to innovate ways to bring influence to bear in the interest of our members.
- Attempting to understand climate risk in a holistic manner and to manage these risk factors within our investment portfolios, including physical and transition risks.
The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) has worked with members of its Asset Owners Network to produce guidance for scheme trustees on the practical steps to setting a net zero strategy. To find out more visit the A4S website www.accountingforsustainability.org/net-zero-pension-statement.