FN Top 100: Brunel CEO recognised for pensions & RI leadership

Laura Chappell has been named as one of the 100 most influential women in finance.
The announcement reflects Laura’s leadership over a period in which Brunel has completed new cycles of private markets investment and the launch of all 17 listed markets funds, but has also led the way on Net Zero, through its role in helping to design both the IIGCC’s Net Zero Investment Framework and the new series of FTSE Russell Paris-aligned benchmarks.
“We are delighted to see Laura named as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Finance,” said Stephen Lee at Ninety One, which manages a mandate on the Brunel Emerging Markets fund.
“Laura has successfully led her team and partner funds through the early stages of pooling at Brunel and is now spearheading the net zero ambitions and frameworks for the industry and public sector. Good luck Laura, well-deserved recognition.”
Financial News published the list earlier this week: https://www.fnlondon.com/lists/fn100-women-in-finance-2021
Earlier this week, we launched our COP 26 campaign: No Excuses on Net Zero. To see the launch article for our campaign, see ‘No excuses on Net Zero: video interview‘, in which Faith Ward is interviewed about the conference. You might also like to see our second article in the campaign: ‘Towards a Greener Future’… And you may like to watch Faith Ward on an OECD panel this week, talking about physical climate risks and the financial system.