Brunel wins ICGN Stewardship Award and SFRD4AO Diversity Award

The International Corporate Governance Network has named Brunel Pension Partnership winner of its 2022 Global Stewardship Disclosure Awards in the category of asset owners with under £60 billion in AUM.
“Brunel was selected for several reasons including the disclosure of their own gender pay gap analysis for transparency purposes, which was impressive,” ICGN reported. “The Panel could tell that Brunel had integrated the assessment of global risks into its investment strategy and it was clear throughout their reports. The Panel liked that Brunel stated their values and commitment to partnerships as a part of their culture, which showed strongly in their disclosure.”
The awards ceremony was held in London in November. Helen Price, Head of Stewardship at Brunel, represented Brunel at the ceremony and collected the award. (Helen is pictured, above right, at the ICGN Awards in London.)
“As a responsible asset owner we believe it is not only important to achieve high levels of stewardship and corporate governance, but to walk the talk and be transparent,” said Helen. “There is no higher recognition in this area than an ICGN award, since the organisation has been setting industry standards in this area since 1995. We hope this welcome recognition from such a respected standard-setter means other asset owners are encouraged to target transparency and high levels of risk management in their approach to long-term investing.”
Diversity award
Brunel also won first place in the 2022 Diversity Award from SFDR4AO, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Rewards for Asset Owners. Brunel has committed itself to positive diversity outcomes across several briefs, including through heightened reporting standards.
Helen Price co-chairs the Asset Owner Diversity Working Group, which launched the Asset Owner Diversity Charter.
Brunel also won third place in the SFRD4AO Carbon Intensity Reduction Award.
Brunel views such awards as a crucial element in its quest to encourage improved RI across the industry.
You can read more about the awards on the ICGN website.