LGC Op-Ed: Brunel CEO argues that pooling has enabled local impact

Alex Monro
Head of Communications
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Pooling is uniquely placed to deliver local impact investing – and already has a good track record, argues Laura Chappell, Brunel’s CEO, in a new Op-Ed published today by the Local Government Chronicle.

While scale can be an impediment to local impact investing in some corners of the market, the make-up of LGPS pools combines local knowledge with the access and expertise benefits of the pool, opening up new opportunities.

Laura Chappell, CEO
Laura Chappell, CEO

“Pools are already well-placed to invest significantly in UK infrastructure – without being mandated, or even nudged, from above,” says Laura. “Thanks to their increased scale, they are better placed to diversify meaningfully into private markets, to negotiate on fees, and to commit some of their assets under management to the investment time horizons that infrastructure investing requires.”

The full article is available on the LGC website.

Laura will be attending the LGC Investment & Pensions Summit in Birmingham later this month.

For more on our partnership’s approach to local impact, you may like to watch the video on our homepage.

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