Case Study
Case Study

Air Liquide, Climate, Climate lobbying alignment

Details of engagement:

EOS has been engaging with Air Liquide since 2022 on climate-aligned lobbying. They expect companies to have a public policy position supportive of the Paris Agreement goals, with board oversight and alignment of both direct and indirect lobbying activity by member industry associations.

In 2022, the company made a public commitment to lobby only in support of the Paris Agreement and to review 16 industry associations to determine any misalignment. As a participating member of Climate Action 100+ (CA100+), feedback was provided on the alignment report in line with the global standard for responsible climate lobbying. EOS shared their view that the report did not provide sufficient assurance to investors that the company was taking the necessary steps to lobby only in support of the Paris Agreement. The company was urged to: disclose the criteria it used for selecting the 16 associations; extend its review to include all its industry associations including those found to be controversial; and to disclose its own policy positions on key climate topics in different markets. EOS also asked for a more detailed explanation concerning its conclusion that the positions of the 16 trade associations all align with the Paris Agreement and the company’s own climate policy.

Throughout 2023 and early 2024, they continued to encourage the company to undertake a more full and more robust alignment review and also discussed the action that the company takes where areas of misalignment are identified. The company argued it sees itself as influential in its associations and can affect positive change, so they asked it to properly publicise these positive positions.

Outcomes and next steps:

In 2024, the company published an expanded review of the alignment of its industry associations’ lobbying activities with the Paris Agreement. While the review did not explicitly refer to limiting warming to 1.5°C, EOS were pleased to see direct reference to the Paris Agreement, an expanded coverage of associations (including those of concern to LobbyMap), greater detail of the specific policy positions the company deems to be Paris-aligned by focus area, and clear steps identified to rectify misalignment.

At time of publication Air Liquide is held in our Global Sustainable Equity, Passive Developed Equities, CTB Passive Global Equities and Passive Smart Beta Equities portfolios.