Case Study
Case Study

Climate: Danone, Climate Lobbying

Throughout 2023, EOS has been actively involved in dialogues with Danone, (alongside other members of the CA100+ lead investor engagement group and the CA100+ Climate Lobbying Working Group), to ensure its climate lobbying efforts are aligned with a 1.5-degrees trajectory. EOS, along with the other participants, emphasised the importance of transparency and accountability, urging the company to review its direct lobbying activities and the stances of the trade bodies it is affiliated with. Following these conversations, Danone highlighted that it will endeavour to analyse its efforts against this CA100+ climate benchmark and agreed to publicly disclose its findings.

At the time of publication (May 2024) Danone were held in our High Alpha Global Equity, Passive Developed Equities, Carbon Transition Benchmark (CTB) Passive Global Equities, Paris Aligned Benchmark (PAB) Passive Global Equities and Passive Smart Beta Equities portfolios.