1. Brunel CIO letter to BEIS Minister, UK government on the consultation: ‘Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance’, July 2021
  2. Brunel CIO letter to BEIS Minister, UK government on the consultation: ‘Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance’, July 2021
  3. Letter to Lord Grimstone arguing for LGPS to be involved in a planned UK government consultation over ambitions to invest in infrastructure, June 2021
  4. Letter to the UK prime minister arguing for LGPS to participate in a planned UK government consultation over ambitions to invest in infrastructure, June 2021
  5. PRI Letter to Economic & Monetary Affairs representatives, European Parliament, on country-by-country sustainability reporting standards, May 2021 
  6. Asset owner letter to the prime minister on Net Zero & finance, January 2021 
  7. Asset owner letter to the Transport Secretary on zero-emissions vehicles, January 2021 
  8. Letter to prime minister calling for UK 2030 NFC in line with Net Zero, December 2020
  9. Letter to prime minister calling for Green Gilts issuance, November 2020
  10. DWP Climate Action Risk Consultation Response, October 2020
  11. FCA Climate-Related Disclosures Consultation Response, September 2020