1. COP 26, Glasgow – Brunel this week
  2. TPI’s new Global Climate Transition Centre will be a key tool for climate investing
  3. FN Top 100: Brunel CEO recognised for pensions & RI leadership
  4. ‘Towards a Greener Future’: Denise Le Gal Op-Ed opens new PLSA climate investing handbook
  5. No Excuses on Net Zero: Video interview
  6. Black History Month & COP 26
  7. New research provides roadmap to further LGPS success
  8. Brunel Chair marks completion of listed fund launches
  9. Investment Team of the Year!
  10. Leaving the delivery room
  11. Brunel and the exceptional asset manager search: Case study
  12. Brunel CIO responds to government call for UK pension funds to target green infrastructure